Algorithmic bias Ranking systems

Robust reputation independence in ranking systems for multiple sensitive attributes

Ranking systems that account for the reputation of the users can be biased towards different demographic groups, especially when considering multiple sensitive attributes (e.g., gender and age). Providing guarantees of reputation independence can lead to unbiased and effective rankings. Moreover, these rankings are also robust to attacks. In a study, published by the Machine Learning …

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Algorithmic bias Ranking systems

Reputation Equity in Ranking Systems

Reputation-based ranking systems can be biased towards the sensitive attributes of the users, meaning that certain demographic groups have systematically lower reputation scores. Nevertheless, if we unbias the reputation scores considering one sensitive attribute, bias still occurs when considering different sensitive attributes. For this reason, reputation scores should be unbiased independently of any sensitive attribute …

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Algorithmic bias Ranking systems

Reputation (in)dependence in ranking systems: demographics influence over output disparities

Your reputation on the Web does not depend only on your behavior, but also on your sensitive attributes. Concretely, belonging to a minority demographic group affects your reputation and how your preferences are valued in online ranking systems. In a recent SIGIR 2020 paper with Guilherme Ramos, we considered reputation-based ranking systems, which is a …

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